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An anniversary

One year ago today I awoke at my normal time, about 0730 and lay in bed for half an hour, dreading feeding my grandmother. I dressed then went to the kitchen and ground her pills and added the first to a small bit of Nestle Boost VHC, opened a pouch of Nestle Breeze(Orange I believe), and filled her cup with 32 oz of water. I changed her brief after I woke her and got her sitting up. I got her first pill down her, then over the next hour, got her to drink the vhc pill mix of the rest of her meds then changed her again. I went to rest for a bit. An hour or so later, her bath nurse arrived and she got changed again and bathed. Then her nurse came. And her breathing changed. The embolisms in her lungs had grown big enough she was gasping for air. She got her first dose of morphine. An hour later, another dose. And all through the day, dose after dose as I sat, staring at a Pratchett novel, two pages in after eight hours, still unsure what I was reading. ...

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