
Dino rewrite 1:

Page 001:
Little $celeb stands on soapbox, brushing her teeth, a small radio with notes coming out, [maybe some $celeb lyrics,] wearing a tee and a jeans and her hair in curly pigtails
Dad's voice, offscreen: 'are you done, $celeb?'
Her: 'a'mosh!'
Page 002:
Her hair is now down and her dad is helping her pull down her nightgown
Dad: 'what story tonight sweetie?'
$celeb: 'my new dinosaurs book!'
Page 003:
She's cuddled up next to him on her bed, reading aloud as he points to the words in the book, helping her with big words.
$celeb: the pro-procom-
Dad: pro-comp-sog-nathus.
$celeb, repeats and: —the pro-comp-sog-nathus is a member of ginyuze
Dad: gee-nus
$celeb, repeats and: —a member of Genus—how do i say that‽ 
Dad: coe-lo-phys-id, I think.
Page 004:
He's tucking her into bed.
Dad: 'now off to sleep little one, we have to be up and at 'em early to meet dr Neill!'
$celeb: Dr. Neill!'
Page 005:
$celeb still in her nightie races through her breakfast while her dad reads the paper.
Dad, obscured by paper: 'chew your food before swallowing!'
$celeb: 'yeff 'a'yy!'
Page 006:
She's wearing her prettiest dress and is sitting on her dad's lap, getting her pigtails done by him.
$celeb: 'will she sign my book?'
Dad: 'it's a book signing, sweetie. Of course she will.'
Page 007:
She races out to his waiting car.
Sitting in the front seat, she clicks the belt while he's still locking the house
$celeb: 'let's go! Let's go! Let's go!'
Page 008:
Siging along to Dinosaur by King Crimson while her dad tries not to laugh
$celeb: '🎼 when I look back on the past / 
it's a wonder I'm not yet extinct🎶'
Page 009:
Standing in a large crowd, $celeb is watching with rapt fascination as she holds the new book, and a rolled up page, as Dr. Neill reads from it.
Neill: —and the utahraptor skin recently found shows that the proto-feathers hypothesized are in fact true.
Page 010:
She's standing in line, only a handful of people away her dad holding a paper bag.
Dad, thought: 'hope she doesn't hyperventilate here, too.'
Page 011:
She's standing in front of dr. Neill absolutely speechless, her dad trying not to die laughing.
Page 012:
He's prodding her forward.
Dad: go on sweetie!
Page 013:
She's pink in the cheeks as she says
$celeb: i drew this for you! And i want to be a paleontologist just like you!
Dad: she made me print out a sixteen page collage of you she made using a collage app.
Page 014:
She admires the drawing of herself next to a dinosaur skeleton then signs the book for her.
Neill: collage?
Dad: i have an app that takes a collection of pics and turns it into a specific choice. She spent a weekend finding all the pictures of you she could find online then had it generate the largest possible photo. A mosaic, i meant.
Page 015:
She's being held by her father as they talk with Neill later after the event at a cocktail event.
Dad: she's a sleepy little one. I should get her home.
$celeb: no!
Neill: next time i'm in town, i'll send you an email and we'll have lunch, okay? Neill, new bubble: And remember, pay attention in school and you can be a great paleontologist!
Page 016:
She's asleep in the car, her book open to the signature:
To $celeb mclastname,
To see the future, one must know the past. Pay attention in history and you'll unlock your future, Dinosaur Hunter!
Doctor Samantha Neill
Page 017:
He sets her on bed, gets her hair clips out, then puts her in a nightie and to sleep
Dad: sleep well my little dinosaur hunter
Page 018:
The next morning, dressed in denim overalls over a striped red and black shirt as she eats breakfast, she proudly proclaims she's off to find a dinosaur. Her backpack with her new book and her Dinosaurs, A History book in it sits next to her in another chair along with other relevant supplies within.
$celeb: today i'm going to find a dinosaur!
Page 019:
Her sandbox has a bunch of cars, plastic dinosaurs, and a bucket and pail, the latter two which she picks up:
Narrator box: "$celeb picked up her pail, grabbed her shovel from the sandpile, and set off to find a dinosaur."
Page 020:
Dino(has white bowtie and vest markings) sat at the foot of his elder's chair with his creche mates and listened to the story. (Thirty some yandusaurusesque chicks sit at the foot of the older dinosaur in a cavern filled with crystals that light the room and lichen that some of the hatchlings are eating.)
Elder: when the fire rocks were sent to punish the meat eaters, our brother leaf eaters also perished for they were too large to escape as we could into the depths.
Page 021: 
Same image, new angle.
Elder: we continued to live down here, adapting to the light, food, and the environment, until one day, the first of us able to conceptualize realized something here made us different than we had been on the surface.
Page 022:
Dino has moved to be closer to his elder as the story continues.
Elder: as time passed, we learned that new creatures covered the planet and we elected to remain down here for safety. For they had learned to create strange tools that could shatter our strongest tools with ease.
Page 023:
Elder and Dino are walking along a corridor lit by crystals and occasional glowing lichen.
Dino: are the pinkies really that dangerous?
Elder: we don't know. Perhaps one day we'll meet them but for now, we stay away from their cavers.
Dino, thought: i'm gonna be the first!
Page 024:
Elder covers Dino with a moss blanket then covers the crystals with a smaller one.
Elder: sleep well.
Page 025: 
Dino heads off into the caverns, right past a sign scratched into the wall by claw using various lines of five with dots.* [develop replacement alphabet]
Narrator box: *to the surface.
Dino: adventure here i come! [find a calvin quote!]
Page 026: [possibly have a small map on each page showing them approaching each other, with each map showing a higher increment explored than actually shown]
Dino pops his head into a cave. He sees some wumps.
Page 027:
$celeb looks into a hole and sees a mouse
Page 028:
Dino looks in another cave and disturbs some singing fraggles.
Page 029:
$celeb digs up a toad sitting on a chicken's egg with runes drawn on it
Page 030:
Dino skirts around a subterranean sarlacc pit.
Page 031:
$celeb finds a broken open geode in her latest pit
Page 032:
Dino finds a cave full of seven dwarves mining
Page 033:
$celeb digs up a simple gold wedding band with elvish script.
Page 034:
Dino enters a cave full of light.
Celeb pokes her head into a cave in the woods.
Page 035:
The two see each other. $celeb's bucket of $treasures go flying as they jump apart.
Dino: "Pinkies are real!"
$celeb: "Dinosaurs still exist!"
Dino: yo speak saurian!
$celeb: you speak english!
Page 036:
As they clean up her treasures, they introduce themselves.
Dino: i'm dino. 
$celeb: my name is $celeb mclastname.
$celeb: but how did you survive? And learn english?
Page 037:
They're sitting underneath a tree, her D,AH book open to the yandusaurus entry.
$celeb: see? This is a yandusaurus. He has the same hands and feet you do. I think this is what you are.
Dino: amazing! How did pinkies learn about us?
$celeb: we're called humans. We dig up the past and study bones and old buildings and stuff so we know about the world.
Page 038: 
They're walking through the woods.
$celeb: i'll show you how we live. Then you can show me where you live!
Dino: alright! 
Page 039:
In her bedroom she's showing Dino around.
Dino: what is that?
$celeb: that's a television. It lets me watch things that are happening halfway around the world. I watched the prince of england marry a pretty girl!
Page 040:
Her father walks into her room and sees the dinosaur
Dad: it's time for a sn—WHAT IS THAT‽ 
Page 041:
He yanks her out of the room and slams the door, trapping Dino inside.
Page 042:
She's freaking out as he's on the phone.
$celeb: daddy, dino's my friend!
Dad: shush! Please send the police, there's some sort of large reptile in the hous—no, not animal control. It's at least three feet tall!
Page 043:
Animal control shows up.
An angry dad holding a madly crying $celeb struggling to get free shows the animal control the thing in the room as it tries to hide in her closet in a very ETesque way.
Animal control: yeah, i need police backup here.
Page 044:
A still angry looking $celeb is asleep on the couch until she's awoken by the arriving men in white suits
Page 045:
$celeb wails in anger and fright as the men in white carry Dino out in a containment canister.
She tears after them and hits them
$celeb, angrily: stop it! He's my friend!
Page 046:
Sitting in the chair in $celeb's room, dad tries to explain to her why he did that.
Dad: sweetie, it could be dangerous. It's a wild animal. 
Page 047:
In a white lab, he's strapped down and a doctor in a cleanroom suit is taking blood from it. Dino's mouth is bound closed with a muzzle.
Dino: mrrrmph mrrrrm mmmpph!
Page 048:
News report on the television as $celeb watches, crying.
$Newscaster: a previously undiscovered extant species of dinosaur has been discovered. A juvenile yandusaurus was discovered in $city in $state/country.
$Newscaster: they have evolved to become a subterranean species, living nearly a mile underneath $city in a massive warren.
Page 050:
Soldiers are gassing the warrens.
Page 051:
They're being herded out wearing muzzles and ankle chains and chained together.
Page 052:
Dad and $celeb watch in horror.
Neill is watching in horror as well from a different site.
Neill: that's where i met the girl and her dad. Where'd i put their number?
Page 053:
Neill knocking at their door.
Being let inside.
$celeb hugs her.
$celeb, glaring at her dad: ...that's what happened!
Neill holding her as the girl hugs her.
Neill: your dad did the right thing, it's the government doing the wrong thing. It's the holocaust all over again!
Narrator box: which led to another explanation and a further traumatized sox year old.
Page 054:
$celeb, now eighteen is giving a valedictorian speech
$celeb: $speech
Page 055:
$celeb sheds her robe, revealing her outfit as her dad and Neill approach holding hands. 
Dad, Neill:You did amazing, $celeb. 
$celeb: thanks mom, dad. We need to have a fast dinner. There's a protest in $city $gf and i really want to get to.
Page 056:
$celeb and $gf are waving signs. $celeb holds 'Saurians are people too!'  sign a $gf holds 'sentience=humanity' sign.
Page 057:
$celeb is sitting in her first class.
Professor: $lawintro
Page 058:
$celeb has law homework in front of her while wearing a headset in a cubicle.
$celeb: hello, mr $donor(?). The Saurian-American Foundation for Ethical Treatment of Yandusaurs  wanted to thank you once more for generous donations over the past few years. The amount you've donated is in our gold supporting circle and we wanted to know if you'd care to up your donation another two hundred to become a sapphire supporter or beyond. I can send you literature on Sapphire Supporter if you'd care to—excellent, let me just verify your contact information.
Page 059:
$celeb is sitting on a seat on an underground train, listening to a podcast.
Iphone: $podcastaboutsaurianlivingconditions
Page 060:
$gf breaks into the reservation where the saurians are kept, a dry, dusty are in death valley.
Page 061:
$gf is filming various scenes of saurians living in a shanty town.
Dino $interview

Page 062:
$gf sits in a shanty under a bare bulb, her camera aimed at Dino
Dino: Yes, i was the first to see your kind.
Dino: i met a pinkie and she showed me her book of dinosaurs and she showed the type of saurians we evolved from.
Page 063:
Dino has moved to look out the window while $gf has shifted to not be in sight.
Dino: yes, i do still remember her name. I don't blame her or her father. 
Dino: ... Well, maybe her father a little bit. But he feared for his hatchling. I understand that fear now. For i fear for all of ours. We have a declining birth rate.
Dino: but that doesn't matter now. To us, your kind is… i think the word is anathema. We have a cultural fear of the natural light and your people proved our fears right.
Page 064:
Dino is on his mound/nest of blankets.
Dino: i am tired, human. Speak with the others. Skrill'x will escort you.
Page 065:
$gf is carefully shepherded through the shanty.
Skrill: careful, the spotlight returns along this path every eleven seconds.
$gf ducks into another shanty where half a dozen hatchlings shy from her and six parents move between her and them.
Skrill: she's the one we expected.
Page 066:
$gf is sitting with two of the males while the females and other male entertain the hatchlings. Skrill is standing at the door watching for patrols.
M1: why do your elders treat us this way?
$gf: truly no one knows. The most… accepted reason is either they want to turn you into weapons or something in your warrens was worth so much corporate interests bribed politicians.
Page 067:
$gf escapes the reserve but is caught in the act and shot. We see her blood splashed over a no trespassing sign.
Page 068:
$gf is at a vet's office, getting patched up but she's very pale and then
Page 069:
$celeb is crying at a funeral.
The doctor is there too. She passes $celeb the digital tape from the camera.
Page 070:
$celeb Watches the video. 
$celeb: Dino‽
$celeb, thought: he's still alive!
Page 071:
The president is signing into law the Saurian American Limited Treaty.
$celeb is there for it along with her parents.
Page 072:
$celeb and Neill are getting coffee in some hipster, fair-trade beanhouse.
$celeb: I've been accepted to Virginia Tech's earth sciences program with a delay so I can sit the bar.
Neill: i'm so proud of you! They've got the best program. You'll work with Horner!
Page 073:
$celeb taking multiple tests of the bar.
Page 074:
Her getting her passing grade and a number of offers of internship.
Page 075:
Dr. Horner stands in front of $celeb and seven other students.
Horner: I was able to negotiate access to the Saurian warrens. From what I saw of the leaked video, it's lead me to believe they have an extensive burial chamber. While i do feel this is somewhat sacrilegious to invade  the living spaces of a still living people at the same time this may help them gain their freedom.
Page 076:
$celeb is horrified by what she sees. The crystals she had heard about are gone. Walls are destroyed with wood supports in their place. The lichen is all dead. The majority of the tools they built are gone.
She takes out a pad to make notes.
$celeb, thought: everything Dino told me about is gone….
Check black market for saurian tools
Find a new source in English Petroleum
Find new person to pass notes to the saurians
Page 077:
$celeb tucks away her law notebook and takes out paleo one as Horner approaches.
Horner: miss mclastname. Would you and Siri make the video archive before we begin?
$celeb: of course.
Page 078:
A montage of $celeb making audio notes of what they see as Siri holds the camera.
Page 079:
They find the burial chambers. An extensive warren filled with stones with names with bones carefully arranged in a way to support to skulls propped open with the name stones inside.
Montage of students carefully documenting their locations, the composition of each pile, the differences from baseline yandusauruses, and translations and the markings.
Siri: how did you learn the language so well?
$celeb: a soldier used to smuggle out translated items to help people learn until he got caught.
Page 080:
A man in a well tailored suit approaches $celeb in a bar.
Man: miss mclastname? I work for EP. I learned you were one of the people at the Saurian Warren Site. i'd like to tell you some things.
Page 081:
They move to a private room in the back of the pub and $celeb palms on a recorder as man begins to talk, telling her about EP's activities in the Warrens as they stripped it of its natural resources and drilled speculative oil wells inside it.
Page 082:
$celeb is graduating. She's now doctor $celeb mclastname.
Someone approaches her. A woman in a plum suit.
Plum: doctor mclastname, I'm Amelia McIntosh. The Roger's Political Sciences Center would like to tender you an offer: as the new Saurian-American Interaction Coordinator.
Page 083:
Dino is sitting on the saurian council, one of the few well enough to move around. Though all know he's essentially why this happened, he's trusted. He always does the right thing.
Elders: ... the decision is unanimous. Dino $translationofmartin is now the new pinky liaison.
Shaking himself awake from his doZe.
Dino: —wha‽ 
Page 084:
Many years have passed. $celeb is now 47 with two young children, a husband of fifteen years, and has been called to the white house.
Standing in the oval office the president smiles as he stands and extends a hand.
President: over the years your group has been the best friend the Saurians could have ever had as you fought for civil rights, First Nation status, and repatriation. That's why I want to extend you the new position of the American Ambassador to the Saurian Nation.
Page 085:
For the first time legally, $celeb is standing across from a childhood friend. Dino extends his hand after signing the treaty in his peoples' name.
$celeb: congratulAtions Dino. Welcome home.
Dino: thank you, $celeb.
Page 086:
Dino, the official ambassador to the US is on a tour of Washington, DC with $celeb and her two daughters.
Page 087:
A speciesist attacks them, harming all four and killing Dino yelling
Attacker: god hates fags!
Page 088:
The funeral is attended by politicians from around the world
Page 089:
$celeb is approached by a group of people wearing democratic insignia on lapels.
Dr. Mclastname? We'd like to talk to you about running for office.
Page 090:
$celeb walking onto stage as red, white, and blue ticker tape falls.
Intercom voice: the president-elect, the first female preident, dr. $celeb mclastname-marriagename!
Page 091:
Sitting in the oval office, $celeb signs her first law, the Sauron-American Protection and Immigration ENablement acT.
She sits back and pats her barely pregnant stomach.
$celeb, thought: Dean? Deanna?


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